Sneak Peek Sunday: Easy

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Sneak Peak Sunday is a blog hop where authors share a snippet of a book or work in progress. More snippets can be found by checking out twitter tag #sneakpeeksunday.Slow-Waltz-Banner

This week, I’m sharing a snippet from a soon-to-be-released Spring Fling short story Slow Waltz (coming May 7th from Loose Id). It continues the adventures of Rhys and Silas from Close Quarter.

Slow Waltz will be FREE on Loose Id’s website from May 7th to May 12th (and .99 after that), and Close Quarter will on sale for $4.99 until the 13th.

Here’s the blurb for Slow Waltz:

New lovers Rhys Matherton and Silas Quint finally have a chance to breath easy and enjoy a well-earned respite on board a transatlantic cruise to New York City. But the lack of danger gives Rhys too time to think about the enormity of falling in love with a man who isn’t human. He’s not sure love at first sight can last, especially when your lover is fae. Sure, the sex is fantastic, but that’s not enough to hang the rest of your potentially immortal life upon.

To distract himself, Rhys suggests he and Silas take a set of lessons to learn to waltz. The plan backfires when they are paired with two older women—one of whom reminds Rhys of his recently deceased mother. Instead of being able to ignore thinking about his future with Silas, he’s actively questioned about his lover. And it seems the whole boat knows who he’s sleeping with.

As Rhys learns the steps of waltz, he has to decide if he’ll continue to dance around what he feels for Silas or if he’ll finally learn to trust in his partner’s love for him.

In this snippet, Rhys is dancing with Debbie, the woman he’s been partnered with for waltz lessons. He’s a bit distracted:

She poked him in the ribs once more. “You’re gonna start stepping on my feet.”

Rhys shook himself out of his thoughts. “Sorry. It’s just…never mind.”

“Worried about the future?”

He nodded.

She waved a hand. “Oh, the world’s gonna run you and your man over a few times. Just get up and give it what for and keep going.”

“If only it were that easy.”

She laughed. “Honey, there isn’t anything easy about that.”

WIP Wednesday: Nightmare

Deep laughter, sharp as lightning in a black sky, echoed above his head. The darkness imbedded in that sound froze his blood, but no one else seemed to hear. The mass of rioters pushed and yelled and flowed ever forward. Day turned to night and the hot wind became icy needles pricking his skin. A chasm opened up in front of his feet, and those around him pushed him in and down. Around him the void closed in.

“We’ve found you at last, Vasil Kutsera.”

Sneak Peek Sunday: Turn around

SneekPeekSunday copy

Sneak Peak Sunday is a blog hop where authors share a snippet of a book or work in progress. More snippets can be found by checking out twitter tag #sneakpeeksunday.Slow-Waltz-Banner

This week, I’m sharing a snippet from a soon-to-be-released Spring Fling short story Slow Waltz (coming May 7th from Loose Id). It continues the adventures of Rhys and Silas from Close Quarter. Here’s the blurb:

New lovers Rhys Matherton and Silas Quint finally have a chance to breath easy and enjoy a well-earned respite on board a transatlantic cruise to New York City. But the lack of danger gives Rhys too time to think about the enormity of falling in love with a man who isn’t human. He’s not sure love at first sight can last, especially when your lover is fae. Sure, the sex is fantastic, but that’s not enough to hang the rest of your potentially immortal life upon.

To distract himself, Rhys suggests he and Silas take a set of lessons to learn to waltz. The plan backfires when they are paired with two older women—one of whom reminds Rhys of his recently deceased mother. Instead of being able to ignore thinking about his future with Silas, he’s actively questioned about his lover. And it seems the whole boat knows who he’s sleeping with.

As Rhys learns the steps of waltz, he has to decide if he’ll continue to dance around what he feels for Silas or if he’ll finally learn to trust in his partner’s love for him.

In this snippet, Rhys is showing Silas just how well he’s learned to dance:

“You’ve learned well.” Silas’s voice was deep and breathless.

Rhys nipped his ear. “Did you expect less?”

“Never.” Silas stopped moving and opened a little space between them. He unbuttoned the top of Rhys’s shirt. “But I want more.”

So did Rhys. As with the waltz, he mirrored Silas’s movements, undressing Silas even as he was being undressed, kissing and licking at Silas’s flesh. His neck, his chest. While massaging Silas’s hard cock through his pants, Rhys caught one of Silas’s nipples between his thumb and forefinger and gave it a not so gentle squeeze.

Silas inhaled a hiss, then unbuttoned and unzipped Rhys’s jeans. “Turn around.” He spoke the command into Rhys’s ear, punctuating it with a nip.

Rhys did as told, prickles of anticipation raising bumps on his bare skin. He had some idea of what Silas intended, but exactly how—that was always interesting.

WIP Wednesday: A Kiss. Finally.

Altan took Vasil’s mouth with his and used the other’s gasp of surprise to push his tongue past those sweet lips. Vasil tasted of wine and mountain streams. Of campfires and long earthy summer days. Altan deepened the kiss, eliciting a low moan from Vasil before the he responded in kind, giving back what Altan took.

Coming soon! The Absolutely Erotic Blog Hop!




Coming soon! I’ll be taking part in the Absolutely Erotic Blog Hop, where we’ll be showcasing erotica and erotic romance authors from the Absolute Write forums. Every day during the hop, there will be interviews posted, and when it’s all said and done, some lucky commenter will win a huge prize full of books, gift cards, and other items!

The Hop runs from May 8th through May 23rd! I’ll be posting more about this as we get closer.

Sneak Peek Sunday #9 Hungry?

SneekPeekSunday copy

Sneak Peak Sunday is a blog hop where authors share a snippet of a book or work in progress. More snippets can be found by checking out twitter tag #sneakpeeksunday.Slow-Waltz-Banner

This week, I’m sharing a snippet from a soon-to-be-released Spring Fling short story Slow Waltz (coming May 7th from Loose Id). It continues the adventures of Rhys and Silas from Close Quarter. Here’s the blurb:

New lovers Rhys Matherton and Silas Quint finally have a chance to breath easy and enjoy a well-earned respite on board a transatlantic cruise to New York City. But the lack of danger gives Rhys too time to think about the enormity of falling in love with a man who isn’t human. He’s not sure love at first sight can last, especially when your lover is fae. Sure, the sex is fantastic, but that’s not enough to hang the rest of your potentially immortal life upon.

To distract himself, Rhys suggests he and Silas take a set of lessons to learn to waltz. The plan backfires when they are paired with two older women—one of whom reminds Rhys of his recently deceased mother. Instead of being able to ignore thinking about his future with Silas, he’s actively questioned about his lover. And it seems the whole boat knows who he’s sleeping with.

As Rhys learns the steps of waltz, he has to decide if he’ll continue to dance around what he feels for Silas or if he’ll finally learn to trust in his partner’s love for him.

In this snippet, Rhys has just finished his first dance class learning how to waltz. He’s been partnered with an older woman named Debbie:

Scott clapped again. “Well done, everyone! Time to let you go for lunch. Please try to be back by two thirty, and we’ll learn some finishing moves and variants to the dance.”

They broke apart. Debbie patted him on the arm. “You did well, young man.” Again, she winked. This time, he couldn’t help but smile. “And if he’s good to you, you keep that man.” She eyed Silas as he approached. “He looks like he’s worth the work.”

Debbie left them and joined Faith, and the two women headed in the direction of the self-serve buffet.

“I’m worth the work?” Silas’s breath grazed Rhys’s ear, smoky and rich. A spark of heat settled at the base Rhys’s spine.

“Only if you’re good to me.”

A wicked grin was Silas’s answer. “I’m very good to you.”

Rhys matched Silas’s expression. “Hungry?” He wasn’t talking about food.


They headed to the forward elevators.

WIP Wednesday: Not Dating

Vasil threaded his way through the restaurant and back out into the street. The sun had finally set, but the sky still held light. Between that, the streetlights, and the throng of people, the night had an almost carnival atmosphere. “Back to the house?”

Altan’s answer warmed Vasil’s ear. “Yes. Do you know the way?” He slung his arm over Vasil’s shoulder, like so many other men in the crowd who were walking with their friends.

Vasil couldn’t decide whether to be annoyed or pleased by the gesture. Cultural differences. He forced himself to relax. “I remember how we came.” Then he set about proving it.

They wove through the streets, partly to avoid other people and partly because neither one of them was entirely sober. “Is this widow going to be upset that we’ve been drinking?”

“Probably.” Altan placed his chin on Vasil’s shoulder. “But it’s not the first time I’ve arrived tipsy on her doorstep.”

“With another man?”

“I’ve never brought anyone to visit her before, drunk or no.”

They turned off the main road back onto the residential street that held Altan’s apartment. “We’re not dating.” Again, words he didn’t want to say poured forth. “We’re not going to date.”

Slow Waltz Cover Art!

Slow Waltz (a Close Quarter Spring Fling) is coming out in exactly a month. Tonight, this arrived in my mailbox:


Art is by Fiona Jayde.

I’m fairly certain I’ll be sharing this cover with some other m/m spring flings, but he looks a lot like Silas, so I’ll just sit here and stare at him for a while.



WIP Wednesday: Old Friend

The humid scent of the nearby strait, the smell of fresh bread, and a blend of spices Vasil could not name came together to create a distinctive mix that felt both foreign and as familiar as an old friend.

Just like Altan. Pinpricks danced down Vasil’s arms and he slowed his pace.