Six Writers of the Apocalypse – Pony style

It started with a tweet. Well, with many tweets…mostly L.A. Witt and I fighting over a tiara (I so won that).  But then this happened:

And then chaos ensued. Cascades of tweets. Sarah Frantz joined in and then Catherine Dair drew this piece of awesome:

Six Writers of the Apocalypse

I have no words to describe the awesome of this. Or that I am mentioned with such an excellent group of writers (and killer editors).

But did you see? Witt is still after my tiara. Just wait until RT, ’cause Game Of Tiaras is ON. And I am going to win that, too. Just you wait…

Happy New Year!

Champagne stems
Champagne stems. Photo by dps

I am stealing a bit of the text of this post from the other me. It’s okay. I gave myself permission!

My first resolution is to blog more often. I’ve been neglectful about that this year. I’ll be blogging more about writing. And I need to answer a friend’s question on how I go about writing sex between men when I don’t actually have that much experience with it (not having a dick and all). And there are offshoots of that question I want to touch on too–about gender and sexuality and me. We’ll see if I have the guts to talk about those.

2013 had ups and downs. One of the biggest ups was becoming a client of Jennifer Udden at Donald Maass Agency. I’m in the middle of revisions with her at the moment. Hopefully, 2014 will see these books out on submission!

And yes, she’s representing my M/M books. In fact, the goal for today (Jan 1) is to finish revisions on a contemporary office romance. I’ll get back to that write after this post, in fact.

The worst event of 2103 was not writing related. In October, lost my 14-year-old cat Jon to complications with diabetes. Jon was a European Burmese and a sweetie-pie. Full of purrs and cuddles and love. Animals crawl right into your heart and it’s hard when they’re gone. But I’m grateful for the time we did have.

Also in 2013, I published Slow Waltz and Close Quarter came out in paperback. It’s currently a finalist in the EPIC awards for Best Paranormal Romance. The winner will be announced in March.

As far as writing goals for 2104:

  • Wrap up revisions on the contemporary romance novel.
  • Wrap up revisions on a fantasy novel written as the other me. This might interest readers here…while it’s not a romance, nor is there explicit sex, it is m/m in nature.
  • Write a sequel to Close Quarter.
  • Write a sequel to fantasy novel above.
  • Edit some of my short stories and try to sell them.
  • Clean my office so I have somewhere professional to work.

What are your goals for 2014?