Due Diligence is out! Plus giveaway!

It’s June 21, 2016! That means Due Diligence is FINALLY OUT! Hurrah!

Due Diligence cover

For your convenience, here are the buy links:

I really hope you all enjoy Fazil and Todd’s story. It’s been a long time in coming and a long wait since Just Business.


In celebration of Due Diligence’s release, I’m hosting a give away! Just comment on this post and tell me your favorite moment in any of my books. That’s it! I’ll randomly select a winner and ship you stuff. Yes, even internationally. (Gulp)

Here’s what one lucky winner will get:

  • One very rare copy of the Just Business paper ARC. There were 10 printed. Five went to RITA judges. I got the other five. So, yeah, there aren’t too many of ’em.
  • A glass caffeine molecule mug, perfect for hot beverages. In one scene, Todd wears the t-shirt that matches this mug.
  • One 20-sided die necklace (complete with a red D20 that can be removed). In honor of the red D20 Todd and Fazil use. Mmmhmm. Probably like you think they might.
  • One Ten dollar Starbucks gift card. The book’s set in Seattle, so this is kind of a requirement.
  • One InterMix drop card with samples from InterMix authors. This was a promo item from RT Booklovers, and has a sample of Due Diligence…but also samples from a ton of other authors.


I’ll probably throw in some other swag, too, like a Just Business button featuring Eli and Justin. I have to see what I have. So that bit will be a surprise.

Happy release day! And THANK YOU for being here with me!

Daily Grind Cover!

Daily Grind has a cover! It was unveiled today at Heroes and Heartbreakers, along with several over beautiful covers. Hop on over and take a look.

In the meantime, here’s the cover for Daily Grind!


A man discovers that love can show up when you least expect it—and in a much different form—in this piping-hot romance from the author of Due Diligence and Just Business.

Brian Keppler, owner of Ground N’At, the coffee shop beneath SR Anderson Consulting, doesn’t have time for a relationship. His most recent girlfriend broke up with him because he’d become married to his shop, which is falling apart without his favorite barista, Justin.

As he struggles to stay afloat, the arrival of handsome British high-tech whiz Robert Ancroft becomes another complication. Rob quickly becomes a fixture at the shop with his sharp wit and easy charm, and Brian soon finds himself looking forward more and more to Rob’s visits—to the point where his heart skips a beat when he walks in.

But will Brian be able to come to terms with his previously unexplored sexual identity and find happiness now that he has a chance?

To be released December 6, 2016! Ebook available for preorder at:

You can also add it to GoodReads!

Due Diligence: What’s in a Name?

Back when I was a student in the Seton Hill Writing Popular Fiction MFA program, one of my critique partners was bemoaning the state of his name. You see, his name is Todd.

Whenever he saw his name in fiction, the guy was always some preppy, sweater-tied-around-the-shoulder jackass. Or a trust-fund jackass. Or… well, you get the picture. Todd has a bad rap. Todd was the disliked character in 80s comedy movies. Todd was a stuck-up snob. Todd was never sexy.

It’s true. Todd’s not the name you think of when you think “Sexy Hot Hero.” Or, you know, hero, period.

I promised my friend, if I ever named a character Todd, he would not be a trust fund, neck-sweater-wearing preppy jackhole.

Years later, when it came time to brainstorm up a foil for Fazil… I came up with a bad boy, son of a mechanic from the wrong side of the tracks. A James Dean type. Sexy. Hot. Nothing at all like your typical Todd…and I remembered my promise.

Thus Todd Douglas received his name, in reclamation for all the Todds out there who are tired of the 80s sweater look and who aren’t trust-fund kids.

‘Cause some Todds like to get their hands dirty. (And they’re nice, sexy guys, too.)