Throwback Thursday WIP

For Throwback Thursday, I give you snippet from a WIP that I haven’t touched in two years, tentatively titled Season of Kings.

Summer ached in my bones at nine in the morning and the scent of sun-warmed earth mixed with sharp smell of coffee as I walked down Murray Avenue. The 61c Cafe had its doors open. Not surprising. It was seventy and sunny. The temperature would rise into the low eighties.

It was only the vernal equinox. Summer had come too early.

A shudder ran through me. In the six and a half years since I’d settled in Pittsburgh, the seasons had been…seasonable. Winter gave way to spring, which released the city to summer in late May. Summer held strong until late September. The leaves changed at the correct time and flowers bloomed. Snow blanked the ground in the height of winter.

Not this year.

I fished my keys out and unlocked the door to Evergreen Books. Much like the neighborhood I’d chosen to call home, my shop was an eclectic mix of cultures and religions. The old and the new.

A bell mounted to the door frame rang as I pushed my way though the door. Inside, the air held the pleasant chill of winter and the smell of pine and yew. My retreat from the encroachment of summer. I stretched, cracking my neck and rolling my shoulders, and let the tension seep out of me. Sometimes the weather was just the weather. There were always odd years and broken temperature records.

What else I had scented on the wind, I pushed to the back of my mind. He could not be here.  I’d run far and long and Pittsburgh held its secrets well.

Besides, it was far too soon.

I set about starting a pot of Welsh Brew tea, then straightened the books on the shelves near the counter. The tea has been for me, originally. Now I offered it to customers, despite the myriad of coffee shops nearby. No on else brewed it and everyone liked the taste, even in summer.

My refuge of winter melted like ice left in the sun at the clanging of my bell. Only I remained frozen, my heart lodged in my throat. I didn’t need to turn to know who had entered.

Warmth and light. Blue skies. Angry thunderstorms. Rain on leaves. I turned anyway and the mug in my hands shook until he took it from me.

“Celyn, my King. Are you not happy to see me?”

Six and a half years had passed. I was terrified. “Derwen.” I licked my lips. “You’re early.”

Same green eyes, same brown hair I knew was soft as fledgling’s feathers, though he had cut it short and grown a neatly trimmed beard. He snorted and set my mug down on the counter. “I’m making up for lost time.”

(I really should get back to this one someday)


Where I’ve been (Interviews, Giveaways, Posts, etc.)

Just a quick post to not where I’ve been since Takeover came out!

There are a few more places I’ll be, too. I’ll update as they come out.

And a huge huge Thank You to everyone who has read and reviewed Takeover! I really appreciate it! I know how precious time is, and taking a chance on a newer author can be a risk. It means a lot.

Release Day for Takeover!

Today is the release day for Takeover, my M/M office romance! *throws confetti*

Here are the details!

Cover for Takeover by Anna ZaboMichael Sebastian thought Curacao would be the perfect place to have a little fun in the sun–and between the sheets. So far, no one has struck his interest, until Sam Anderson walks into the bar. With one look at his tense body and expensive suit, Michael knows that this is a man in need of release. And Michael is more than willing to lend a hand.

Shattered by the most intense sex he’s ever had, Sam has to face the facts–one night with a handsome, dominating stranger is all he gets before returning to the closet he’s been suffocating in for years. But when Sam starts his new job as the CEO of a failing technology company, he discovers that Michael is one of his new employees.

While Michael is desperate for another night with Sam, he knows he shouldn’t get involved with his boss, let alone another man who can’t accept who he is. But as they’re forced to work together to save the company, the desire sparking between them becomes impossible to ignore…

Available at:

And when this posts, I’ll likely be somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean on my way back from the UK where I hung out with the most excellent Aleksandr Voinov for a couple of days, wherein he introduced me to fabulous bookstores and the plot bunnies multiplied like… well. You know.

After that, I went to LonCon3, the World Science Fiction Convention, where I was pretty much a happy writer/fangirl as I met many of my wonderful author friends, and also because I met Bryan Talbot who created my most favorite comic character, Luther Arkwright. I also got to watch many wonderful people win the Hugo Award and got to hold Mary Robinette Kowal’s Hugo.

Which doesn’t really have anything to do with Takeover, but hey! It is why I’m flying back across the ocean on release day!

Winner! And what the heck am I up to?


First! I never drew a winner for the Taste the Rainbow blog hop post… mostly because I was off at RWA and that screwed up my schedule.

So! says the winner is poster 11, which is sherry1969! I’ve emailed you. Congrats!

What’s going on with you, Anna?

Second…I’ve been asked quite a bit if I plan to ever write a sequel to Close Quarter?

Short form: YES. yes. At least one. Probably two, because Silas and Rhys aren’t done and won’t shut up. And then there a book for Vasil, lovely Vasil.

Longer form:

So here’s the current way things are playing out:

On August 19th, my contemporary m/m office romance,Takeover, releases. YAY! I am so nervous and excited. PLEASE tell me how you like Michael and Sam’s story! Or leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads or your blog or whatever. 🙂

When I signed with InterMix for Takeover, I also signed for a second novel. This will be Just Business, another contemporary m/m office romance set after Takeover. Sam and Michael aren’t the main focus, but they do appear in the novel. There’s a sneak peek of Just Business in the back of Takeover where you can meet Justin and Eli… Just Business will be out in June 2015. And… it’s almost written. Yeah, there’s a certain amount of OMG that happens when you see the pre-order button for a book you haven’t finished… I’m still ahead of when I need to turn it in, but the goal is to get this bad boy (and yes, it’s very bad…filthy, even) finished.

I recently signed with Riptide Publishing for a bondage short story that’s currently called Date Night. I’m told that will release sometime early next year. The good news? It’s written. Just has to go through edits.

After I get Just Business turned in, I need need need to finish revising the fantasy manuscript that first caught the attention of my agent. I think readers of Close Quarter and Takeover will enjoy Duty to the Crown too. There’s quite a bit less sex, but some lovely sexual tension mixed in with politics and swords and Journeyman carpenter who finds himself attracting the attention of his king. Poor Jen has been waiting for it for ages, so I really do need to get that to her so we can get it out on submission and find it a home.

After that? No Quarter Given.

Yup. Rhys and Silas. It’ll be the book that tells what happens when they get to New York and suddenly all the New World fae realize there’s a quarter-fae to be had. Or rather they think he’s to be had. Rhys has opinions about that. There will be some new folks introduced along the line, and Silas must finally decide just how aloof he wants to be from the fae courts.

In and around those, I’m working on two co-writing projects with two fabulous authors. The first one is a swashbuckling space opera with Jessica Freely and the second is a contemporary romance with LA Witt (AKA, Suitporn with horses. Yes. Really. You’ll see.).

So stuff! And things!