Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! I’m with family and just spent the entire day with my niece. She’s five. We played many, many rounds of the Pretty Pretty Princess game, then ran around like loons at a playground.

Hope those that celebrated had a good day, and those that didn’t… still had a good day. 🙂 I’m grateful for any day I can spend with the people I care about.

Just to recap, I have book give-aways for Close Quarter over at Kids, Coffee, & Chaos and Kay Berrisford’s Blog. I’ll be running these through Sunday, since I’m currently on the road. Please feel free to comment over at either or both blogs.

Also, I’m hosting Jessica Freely in celebration of her latest release, His Own Devices. She’s giving away one of her backlist titles to a commenter until Sunday.

And I’m hosting Kay Berrisford in celebration of her latest release, Simon, Sex, and the Solstice Stone. She’s also giving away a backlist title to a commenter, also until Sunday.

So lots going on, this Turkey-day weekend! Feel free to wander around this weekend to these different giveaways. 😀 What’s better than a free book?